While the kids may not be excited about the start of a new school year, you can help lift their spirits with a back to school pool party. Pool parties are great for all ages, from elementary to high school. Here are some ideas to make back to school time an event your kids look  Read More

Are you interested in throwing a fun and entertaining party this Valentine’s Day? If you have a pool, then you already have the perfect setting for a great party! As Valentine’s Day approaches, use these pool party ideas to make sure everyone has a great time. Planning Decorations Keep your decorations simple. Since you are  Read More

Now that the weather is starting to heat up again, it is time to start gearing for up for all day poolside fun in the sun. If you are like countless other American homeowners and pool lovers, your summer will be filled with entertaining and keeping up with your little ones. What better way to  Read More

Keeping little hands busy during the summer months isn’t always easy! But what child doesn’t like some summer crafting time, especially during those mid-afternoon hours when the Texas sun is unbearable! If it’s too hot (or rainy) to enjoy the outdoors with your little one, why not help them create their own under water adventure  Read More

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